Where Our Past Meets the Present

Selma, Alabama is one of only a handful of cities in the nation where the Southern Jewish experience intersects with a place so synonymous with the American Civil Rights Movement. In recognition of these interwoven narratives of history, The Selma Temple seeks to help usher in a new chapter for Selma.

 A new chapter where a significant symbol of Selma's Jewish community is preserved for future generations. One where the history of Jewish Selma can be understood and appreciated as a part of the broader story of Selma - by locals and tourists alike. And one where Temple Mishkan Israel gains new life as a hub for equitable access to educational and cultural resources - as The Selma Temple.

Our Mission

Restore and breathe new life into the Selma Temple building – a rare surviving example of a pre-1900 place of Jewish worship in the Deep South – as a first step toward re-invigorating a Jewish presence in Selma in a meaningful way.

The Deep South – and the intersection of those stories with broader American history and Culture – by building an interactive digital Historical Archive.

Reconnect with Selma – beginning with a commitment to equity, accountability, and doing the real work of racial reconciliation and healing. Share and explore stories of the Jewish experience in Selma and

Demonstrate an ongoing investment in Selma by supporting, complementing or amplifying work already been done to serve the needs of the community – particularly by people of color.


Open the doors of a restored Temple building as a space for strengthened community to gather, celebrate and worship, learn and exchange ideas, and support and serve others.

Continue to build on the historical presence of a Jewish community in Selma in a way that is informed by an honest examination of the past, deeply committed to the city today, and fully invested in its future.

Act as a center for engaging with the Jewish experience and Culture in Selma and the South – with a focus on how our unique perspectives and stories intersect with those of other groups and can contribute to a broader historical and Cultural understanding.


Community & People Focused

The Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam teaches us to act in a way that contributes to the benefit or betterment of the world. Our commitment is to participate thoughtfully and meaningfully in the community in a way that puts people at the center – from our relationships to our programming to the way we tell our stories.


Strive to always consider the perspectives and experiences of others, as well as our own biases and gaps in understanding. Center everything we do in the work of equity, inclusion, and justice – beginning with racial reconciliation and healing with Selma’s Black community.

Relevant & Connected

Reframe our narratives and align our work to account for the ways our actions, past and present, impact others. We aim to share our history and Culture, but believe it is just as important to listen, learn, and embrace opportunities to grow so we can remain relevant to our primary audiences over time.


Learn about the stories, experiences, and Culture of Selma’s historic Jewish Community.

Our Commitment to Racial Equity

The Selma Temple is committed to racial equity. We acknowledge that, historically, members of our community have acted in ways that have both supported and harmed the cause for racial equity in the city of Selma.

We aim to work with members and leaders within Selma’s Black community to do the necessary and difficult work of racial reconciliation and healing, as well as to grow our organization and build our programming in a way that is inclusive and reflects the needs of the Selma community at large. It is our promise to listen, practice humility, and participate meaningfully in supporting the city of Selma into the future.